#!/bin/bash # render.sh: part of the tape-and-string framework. # v3.4-p6 #B: Load enable -f /usr/lib/bash/csv csv declare -A title #E: Load #B: Definition function inf { 1>&2 echo -e "\x1B[1;32mINF\x1B[0m: $*"; } function wrn { 1>&2 echo -e "\x1B[1;93mWRN\x1B[0m: $*"; } function err { 1>&2 echo -e "\x1B[1;31mERR\x1B[0m: $*"; } function dirs { if test -d out; then wrn "Directory 'out' already exists." return 0 fi local i o dir dir=(`./pfiles.rb dir`) inf "Creating directory structure..." echo ${dir[@]} for i in ${dir[@]}; do o="${i/in/out}" mkdir -pv $o done } function docs { load_title if ! test -d out; then err "Cannot render, directory 'out' does not exist, run ./render.sh dir" return 1 fi local i o doc doc=(`./pfiles.rb doc`) inf "Rendering document files..." for i in ${doc[@]}; do o="${i/in/out}" o="${o%.*}.html" echo "'$i' -> '$o'" if test -z "${title[$i]}"; then m4 -D_INFILE="$i" -DCSSI=$(awk -f awk/getsd.awk <<< "$i") m4/main.html.m4 > $o else m4 -D_INFILE="$i" -DCSSI=$(awk -f awk/getsd.awk <<< "$i") -DTITLE="${title[$i]}" m4/main.html.m4 > $o fi done } function sass { if ! test -d out; then err "Cannot render, directory 'out' does not exist, run ./render.sh dir" return 1 fi local i o sass sass=(`./pfiles.rb sass`) inf "Rendering sass files..." if [ ${#sass[@]} -eq 0 ]; then inf "No .sass files detected, skipping" return 0 else for i in ${sass[@]}; do o="${i/in/out}" o="${o/.s[ac]/.c}" echo "'$i' -> '$o'" sassc -t expanded -a $i | sed '/^$/d' > $o done fi } function other { if ! test -d out; then err "Cannot render, directory 'out' does not exist, run ./render.sh dir" return 1 fi inf "Copying other files..." cp -rv 'in'/* out/ } function sitemap { inf "Generating Sitemap..." ./gensimap.sh } function all { load_title dirs docs sass other sitemap } function info { load_title local i echo "* \$ignore" if [ ${#ignore[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo null else for i in ${ignore[@]}; do echo "- $i" done fi echo "* \$titles" for i in ${!title[@]}; do echo " - $i :: ${title[$i]}" done } function load_title { local ii while read -r ii; do csv -a i "$ii" title[in/${i[0]}]=${i[1]} done < dat/title.csv } #E: Definition #B: Logic #B: Logic/LoadDefs #B: Logic/LoadDefs/ignore if test -f ignore.txt; then while read -r i; do ignore+=(in/$i) done < dat/ignore.txt fi #E: Logic/LoadDefs/ignore #E: Logic/LoadDefs if test -z "$*"; then all exit $? fi case $1 in dir) dirs;; doc) docs;; docs) docs;; s[ac]ss) sass;; other) other;; rest) other;; info) info;; sitemap) sitemap;; vall) info; all;; all) all;; *) all;; esac #E: Logic exit $?