JargonFile/entries/General Appearance.txt
2017-02-12 11:04:03 +00:00

14 lines
833 B

General Appearance
Although the mainstream media may believe otherwise, hackers do not have any
particular uniform or appearance. Anyone you see in the supermarket could be
a hacker. Since the majority of people are proletarians the typical hacker
just looks like any other prole. Occasionally they may be distinguished by
wearing T-shirts or hoodies with software/distro/conference logos on them.
At the end of the 20th century hackers were mostly caucasian 20-something
dudes from middle class families and living in Europe or the US, but as computing
and knowledge became cheaper and more ubiquitous the initially privileged
profile gave way to total generality. Today the main distinguishing feature
of hackers is being interested in computers and tinkering with them, not any
particular physical appearance or economic status.